Frontpoint Camera Features and the Latest Capabilities

Are you staying up-to-date on the latest capabilities of Frontpoint cameras?
Frontpoint cameras give you visibility into your home from anywhere so you can keep an eye on what matters most. We’re constantly cranking out new features to give you a world-class experience.
Read below for more information on some of our most essential camera features and click the green feature name to learn how to start using it....
View Saved Video in the Frontpoint App
The Frontpoint app collects all saved video clips that your cameras have captured, triggered by Video Analytics or an alarm event. Manage your saved clips by deleting or protecting them to make sure you only keep the most important clips. Watch your clips, then download and share your favorites with friends and family.
View Live Video in the Frontpoint App
Watch live video from all of your Frontpoint cameras to check in with what's happening at home and around your property while you're away. Use two-way audio with compatible cameras to hear and speak with visitors. Set up Video Analytics to collect only the most important video clips.
Use Two-Way Audio with Compatible Cameras
Two-Way Audio on compatible cameras enables you to hear and speak with visitors - right from the Frontpoint app. Two-Way Audio works like a walkie-talkie, with a press-to-talk control system. When viewing live video in the Frontpoint app, microphone and speaker buttons allow you to control when the camera emits your voice and when incoming audio is muted.
Two-Way Audio Compatible Camera Models:

Set up Video Analytics with Compatible Cameras
Video Analytics equips compatible cameras with innovative activity and object detection that distinguishes important events from routine activities and integrates with home automation devices to enhance your security. Video Analytics' cutting-edge detection differentiates between people, animals, and vehicles and reduces unwanted alerts - allowing you to control what notifications are sent depending on what the camera sees. For instructions to set up Video Analytics, click here.
Video Analytics Compatible Camera Models:

Configure Continuous Recording with Compatible Cameras
SD Card Continuous Recording gives you better awareness of happenings around your property - enabling you to watch continuous video footage from up to 29 days* in the past. While Video Analytics and motion-triggered clip captures are essential for a smart security system, SD Card Continuous Recording layers another level of awareness.
*Because footage is stored on the SD Card, the number of days of recorded video saved on the micro-SD Card varies based on the capacity of the card and the chosen quality of video recorded.
Continuous Recording Compatible Camera Models:

Review Highlights from the Day
Frontpoint Highlights give you an overview of each day at a glance, making it easier than ever to keep tabs on everything that happens in your home. To deliver on this feature, Highlights provides a summary of video clips and animations from the day's most important events.
Enhance Your Outdoor Security with Perimeter Guard
Perimeter Guard is a form of smart-intruder deterrence. Combining the functionality of Video Analytics and Two-Way Audio, Perimeter Guard helps you ward off intruders before they arrive at your doorstep. Based on your selection, loud beeps and flashing lights are automatically emitted when a person or animal enters the camera's field of vision.
Perimeter Guard Compatible Camera Models:

Pause Video Recording When You're Home
With Frontpoint, you're in control of your cameras and when they record video clips. By creating custom recording rules, you can limit recordings to those that are most important to you.
Using compatible cameras, pause your cameras from recording when you're within a set boundary (or "geofence"). By doing so, you can prevent any recordings of you moving about the house. Additionally, you can even pause recordings when your system's status is Disarmed or in Armed Stay mode - whatever makes sense for you!
Pause Video Recordings Compatible Camera Models:

Privacy Zones provide the ability to balance the benefits of video clip capture while protecting your privacy. Use Privacy Zones to obscure sections of your camera's view from all live and future recorded video footage. Up to three Privacy Zones per camera can be configured using the Frontpoint app or website. Once created, Privacy Zones appear as opaque, gray shapes covering the selected area on a camera's video feed.
Privacy Zones Compatible Camera Models:

Proactively Deter Intruders With a Manually Triggered Siren
Manually trigger the Indoor or Outdoor Camera's siren to deter unwanted actions and intruders with discretion at any time, from anywhere, right from the Frontpoint app or website.
Triggered Siren Compatible Camera Models: